Privacy Policy and Legal Notice

In compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, 2002, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI EC), we inform users of the data of the company that owns this website:



- CIF / NIF: B87684619

- Commercial Name: IEPP

- Registered Office: C/ ORENSE 17. 28020 - MADRID

- Security Manager: GABRIEL COLL LAMBERT ([email protected])



- CIF / NIF: B87684619

- Commercial Name: IEPP

- Registered Office: C/ ORENSE 17. 28020 - MADRID

- Security Manager: GABRIEL COLL LAMBERT ([email protected])

- Phone: (+34) 900494582

- email: [email protected]

- Online contact form:

- Profiles in social networks:





- Registered in the Madrid Registry:

- Data handling, in accordance with the RGPD: Clients/Suppliers, Mailing Lists, Employees, Personnel Selection and Web Users.

- Domain name (website):


“INSTITUTO EUROPEO DE PSICOLOGÍA POSITIVA" (hereinafter "IEPP"), owner of the website, makes available to users this document which aims to comply with the obligations under Law 34/2002, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), as well as inform all users of the website regarding what are its conditions of use.

Any person accessing this website assumes the role of user, pledging to the observance and enforcement of the provisions herein, as well as any other legal provision that may apply.

"IEPP" reserves the right to modify any information that may appear on the website, without any obligation to give prior notice or inform users of such obligations, being understood as sufficient the publication on the website.


"IEPP" is deeply committed to compliance with Spanish regulations for the protection of personal data, and ensures full compliance with the obligations set forth, as well as the implementation of security measures provided for in art. 9 of Law 15/1999, of Protection of Personal Data (LOPD) and its Development Regulation, as well as for compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) (EU) 2016/679. In accordance with these regulations, we inform that the use of our website requires certain personal data to be provided to us through registration or contact forms, or by sending emails, and that these will be processed by "IEPP". The sending of this personal data constitutes the express consent to the processing of the same, although this consent is revocable. More information in our "Privacy Policy".


The website, including but not limited to programming, editing, compilation and other elements necessary for its operation, designs, logos, text and / or graphics are the property of "IEPP" or have a license or express authorization from the authors.

All the contents of the website are duly protected by intellectual and industrial property regulations, as well as registered in the corresponding public registries, and the reproduction and/or publication, in whole or in part, of the website, its computer processing, distribution, dissemination, modification or transformation is not permitted without the prior written permission of the company.

The designs, logos, text and / or graphics outside "IEPP" and that may appear on the website belong to their respective owners, being themselves responsible for any dispute that may arise in respect thereof. In any case, "IEPP" has the express prior authorization from them. "IEPP" recognizes in favor of their owners the corresponding industrial and intellectual property rights, as their mere mention or appearance on the website does not imply the existence of any rights or liability of the provider on them, nor any endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation by the same.

The user can use the material on this website for his/her personal and private use, being forbidden to use it for commercial purposes. "IEPP" will ensure compliance with the above conditions, as well as the proper use of the contents presented on its website, exercising all civil and criminal actions that apply in the case of infringement or violation of these rights by the user..


These Terms of Use of the website are governed in each and every one of its aspects by Spanish law. The language of drafting and interpretation of this legal notice is Spanish. For the resolution of all disputes or questions related to this website or the activities developed in it, Spanish law shall apply, to which the parties expressly submit themselves, being competent for the resolution of all disputes arising from or related to its use the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid.


"IEPP" informs users of the website about its policy regarding the processing and protection of personal data of users and customers that may be collected by navigation and the purchase of products or services through its website. In this sense, "IEPP" guarantees compliance with current regulations on the protection of personal data, reflected in Law 15/1999 of December 13, Protection of Personal Data (Ley Orgánica 15/1999 de 13 de diciembre, de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal) and Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December (Real Decreto 1720/2007, de 21 diciembre), approving the Regulation of Development of the LOPD, and General Data Protection Regulation ( Reglamento General de Protección de Datos, RGPD) (EU) 2016/679.


The operations foreseen to carry out the processing are:

  • - Sending commercial advertising communications by email, WHATSAPP, fax, SMS, MMS, social communities or any other electronic or physical means, present or future, that enable commercial communications. These communications will be made by the OFFICER and related to its products and services, or those of its collaborators or suppliers with whom it has reached a promotional agreement. In this case, third parties will never have access to personal data.
  • - To carry out statistical studies.
  • - Process orders, requests or any type of request made by the user through any of the forms of contact that are made available.
  • - Sending the newsletter of the website.


"IEPP" informa gli utenti del sito web della sua politica in materia di trattamento e protezione dei dati personali degli utenti e dei clienti che possono essere raccolti navigando, acquistando prodotti o noleggiando servizi attraverso il suo sito web. In questo senso, "IEPP" garantisce il rispetto della legislazione vigente in materia di protezione dei dati personali, riflessa nella Legge Organica 15/1999 del 13 dicembre sulla protezione dei dati personali e nel Regio Decreto 1720/2007 del 21 dicembre, che approva il Regolamento per lo Sviluppo della LOPD, e nel Regolamento Generale per la Protezione dei Dati (RGPD) (UE) 2016/679.


In compliance with current legislation on data protection, users are informed that, in "IEPP", technical and organizational measures have been adopted in accordance with the provisions of that legislation. The personal data collected in the forms is processed only by the staff of "IEPP" or the Data Processors established here. They have adopted security measures appropriate to the data provided and also have installed all the technical means and measures at its disposal to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of the data provided.


The Client or User declares that all data provided by him are true and correct and undertakes to keep them updated, communicating to "IEPP", any changes in them. The user is responsible for the veracity of their data and will be solely responsible for any disputes or litigation that may result from their falsity. It is important that the user informs "IEPP" whenever there has been any change in the personal data, so that we can keep the personal data updated. Otherwise, we cannot be held responsible for their veracity.


The LOPD and the RGPD grants the interested parties the possibility of exercising a series of rights related to the processing of their personal data. Insofar as the user's data is processed by "IEPP", they may exercise their rights. To do so, the user must contact, providing documentation proving their identity (ID card or passport), by email to [email protected], or by written communication to the address listed in our legal notice. Such communication must reflect the following information: Name and surname of the user, the request request, address and supporting data.

The exercise of rights must be performed by the user himself. However, they may be executed by a person authorized as the legal representative of the user. In this case, documentation must be provided to prove this representation of the interested party.

The user may request the exercise of the following rights:

- Right to request access to personal data.

- Right to request its rectification (if incorrect) or deletion.

- Right to request the limitation of their treatment, in which case they will only be kept by "IEPP" for the exercise or defense of claims.

- Right to oppose the treatment: "IEPP" will stop processing your data, unless for legitimate reasons or the exercise or defense of possible claims that must continue to be treated.

- Right to data portability: in case you want your data to be processed by another firm, "IEPP" will facilitate the portability of your data to the new officer.

In the event that consent has been granted for any specific purpose, the user has the right to withdraw consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent prior to its withdrawal. If a user considers that there is a problem with the way in which "IEPP" is handling their data, they can direct their complaints to the Security Manager or to the corresponding data protection authority, being the Spanish Data Protection Agency (Agencia Española de Protección de Datos) the one indicated in the case of Spain.


Disaggregated data will be kept without a deletion period. As for Client data, the period of conservation of personal data will vary depending on the service contracted by the Client. In any case, it will be the minimum necessary, and may be kept until:

4 years: Law on Infractions and Penalties in the Social Order (Ley sobre Infracciones y Sanciones en el Orden Social. Obligations regarding affiliation, registrations, cancellations, contributions, payment of salaries...); Arts. 66 and following General Tax Law (Ley General Tributaria. Accounting books...).

5 years: Art. 1964 Civil Code (Código Civil. Personal actions without special time limit).

6 years: Art. 30 Code of Commerce (Código de Comercio. Accounting books, invoices...)

10 years: Art. 25 Law for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism (Ley de Prevención del Blanqueo de Capitales y Financiación del Terrorismo).

Users of mailing lists or those uploaded by "IEPP" to Social Media pages or profiles, will be retained until the user withdraws consent.

Candidate data (C.V.), if any: In the event that the candidate is not selected, "IEPP" may keep stored your resume a maximum of two years to incorporate it into future calls, unless the candidate states otherwise.


"IEPP" has the duty to inform users of its website about the collection of personal data that can be carried out, either by sending email or by filling out the forms included on the website. In this sense, "IEPP" will be considered responsible for the data collected by the means described above.

In turn "IEPP" informs users that the purpose of the processing of the data collected includes the attention of requests made by users, inclusion in the agenda of contacts, the provision of products or services and management of the business relationship. The operations, managements and technical procedures that are carried out in an automated or non-automated way and that make possible the collection, storage, modification, transfer and other actions on personal data, have the consideration of personal data processing.

"IEPP" offers users a series of telematic mechanisms for the collection and processing of personal data, with the purposes set out above. The personal data provided telematically, either through email, contact forms on this website or online contracting will be used for commercial and administrative management of customers and users of the company. These data will be processed through servers managed by 1&1, which is also the company that provides email services, and which will be considered the Data Processor.

For its part, the mail and name data will be incorporated into a database for sending commercial communications and manage the subscription to the services requested by the customer or user, managed through the servers of, which will also be considered as Data Processor. You may unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the link that you will find in our communications, or by sending a request to exercise your right to the company in charge of the treatment or to "IEPP".

As established by the LSSICE, "IEPP" undertakes not to send commercial communications without identifying them as such. For these purposes, information sent to customers for the maintenance of the existing contractual relationship will not be considered as commercial communication.

Occasionally, personal data will be provided through links to third party websites. In this case, at no time "IEPP" staff will have access to the personal data provided by the Client to such third parties.


"IEPP" has a profile on the main social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Google+), recognizing itself in all cases responsible for the processing of data of its followers, fans, subscribers, commentators and other user profiles (hereinafter followers) published by "IEPP". The treatment that "IEPP" will carry out with such data within each of the aforementioned networks will be the one that the social network allows to corporate profiles.

"IEPP" may inform their followers, when the law does not prohibit it, by any means that the social network allows about their activities and offers, as well as provide personalized customer service. In no case "IEPP" will extract data from social networks, unless the user's consent to do so is specifically and expressly obtained (for example, for the implementation of a contest).


The applicant who sends electronic communications to "IEPP", with the purpose of accessing the personnel selection processes of the Company, authorizes us to analyze the documents sent (for example, the C.V.), all the content that is directly accessible through Internet search engines (for example, Google), the profiles maintained in professional social networks (for example, LinkedIn), the data obtained in the entrance tests and the information disclosed in the job interview, in order to assess your application and be able, if applicable, to offer him/her a position.

In the event that the candidate is not selected, "IEPP" may keep your C.V. stored for a maximum of two years, to incorporate it into future calls, unless the candidate states otherwise.


"IEPP" will not transfer or communicate to any third party your data, except in cases provided by law or when the provision of a service involves the need for a contractual relationship with a data processor, and always in accordance with the general conditions approved by the user prior to the contracting.

Thus, when contracting our services, the user accepts that some of them may be, totally or partially, subcontracted to other persons or companies, which will be considered as Data Processors, with whom the corresponding confidentiality contract has been agreed, or adhered to their privacy policies, established in their respective web pages. The user also accepts that some of the personal data collected will be provided to these data processors, when necessary for the effective performance of the contracted service.

The user may refuse the transfer of your data to the Data Processors, by written request, by any of the means previously referenced.


The information provided by the client shall, in any case, be considered confidential, and may not be used for purposes other than those related to the services contracted or products purchased from "IEPP". "IEPP" undertakes not to disclose or reveal information about the client's claims, the reasons for the advice requested or the duration of its relationship with the client.


This privacy and data protection policy has been drafted by EXPERTOS LOPD®, data protection company, as of May 08, 2018, and may vary depending on changes in regulations and jurisprudence that may occur, being the responsibility of the owner of the data to read the updated document, in order to know their rights and obligations in this regard at all times.


This Website contains texts prepared for purely informative or divulgative purposes, which may not reflect the current state of legislation or jurisprudence, and which refer to general situations, so their content should not necessarily be applied by the user to specific cases.

This website details the services offered by "IEPP". Its use implies acceptance of the following conditions, declining to make any claim on them:

a) The use of this website is directed to individuals of legal age.

b) "IEPP" may modify the content of the website, its services, rates, warranties, etc., at any time and without notice.

c) "IEPP" may make available to the user links or other elements that allow access to other websites belonging to third parties. We do not commercialize the products and services of such linked pages, nor assume any responsibility for them, or for the information contained therein, or its veracity or legality, or any effects that may result. In any case, "IEPP" states that it will proceed to the immediate withdrawal of any content that could violate national or international law, morality or public order, proceeding to the immediate removal of the redirection to the website, informing the competent authorities of the content in question.

d) The prices indicated on the website, if any, are valid except for typographical errors, and are subject to change without prior notice.

e) It is not necessary to register on the website, or provide any personal data, to browse it.

f) The IEPP undertakes to make every effort to ensure the availability and continuity of the Website and the services linked to it. However, IEPP cannot guarantee that the Website and the services linked to it will function correctly at all times, nor that the user can access and use them quickly, uninterruptedly and error-free. Likewise, IEPP makes no warranty as to the suitability and content of the Website or any of the services linked to it for the satisfaction of the user's specific needs. The IEPP will act diligently according to the general accepted uses in the sector to avoid the presence on the Website or in any of the services linked to it of viruses or other harmful elements that may cause alterations in the user's computer system, electronic documents or files, but can not guarantee the absence of such elements, and is not responsible for any damages that might result. The IEPP does not control, nor does it own or guarantee the accuracy, quality, truthfulness, reliability or suitability of the information and services provided or provided by third parties through the Website.

g) "IEPP" offers its services and products indefinitely, but may, however, suspend the provision thereof, unilaterally and without notice.

h) "IEPP" will not be liable for damages, own or third parties, caused by misuse of this website by the customer.

i) The user agrees not to use this website or the services offered on it to carry out activities contrary to law, public order or these conditions.

j) "IEPP" is not responsible for viruses that have their origin in a telematic transmission infiltrated by third parties generated with the purpose of obtaining negative results for a computer system.

k) "IEPP" is not responsible for the information and content stored, including but not limited to, forums, chat's, blog generators, comments, social networks or any other means that allows third parties to independently publish content on the website of the provider. However, in compliance with the provisions of art. 11 and 16 of the LSSI-CE, "IEPP" makes available to all users, authorities and security forces, and actively cooperates in the removal or blocking of all content that could affect or contravene national or international law, rights of third parties or morality and public order. If the user considers that there is any content on the website that could be susceptible to this classification, please notify the website administrator immediately.

l) This website has been checked and tested to ensure that it functions correctly. In principle, it can be guaranteed to function correctly 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.

However, "IEPP" does not exclude the possibility of the existence of certain programming errors, or the occurrence of force majeure, natural disasters, strikes, or similar circumstances that may make it impossible to access the website.

m) The opinions expressed therein do not necessarily reflect the views of "IEPP". The content of the articles published in this Website cannot be considered, in any case, as a substitute for legal advice. The user should not act on the basis of the information contained in this Web Site without first seeking appropriate professional advice.

n) In the event that the user wishes to include in a website a hyperlink to the IEPP website, such hyperlink may not give rise to any confusion regarding the absence of any link between the IEPP and the user, nor may it lead to believe that any of the contents of the user's website have been made by or have the approval or support of the IEPP.

The user must establish the hyperlink so that Internet users who use it may access and view the full content and configuration that the IEPP website has at that time. Such content, in whole or in part, may not appear framed by the website in which the hyperlink is included, or by any of the contents thereof. The content of the IEPP site may not appear inserted, superimposed or appear in any way together with other content, whether informative, advertising or of any other type that are not those of the IEPP website or its affiliates.

In this sense, no 'framing' or any other operation that prevents Internet users who use the hyperlink to view the IEPP website in the same conditions in which it would see any other user who has had access to it directly will be performed. The user shall refrain from any action that could result in a detour of traffic from the IEPP site.

In particular, the user will refrain from introducing, either as a 'metatag' or otherwise in the source code of his/her website, any keyword that identifies a content or product of the IEPP and whose inclusion is not justified by the existence of similar content or products of the user.

The user will not include on its website content, links, advertising or any other material that could damage the image of the IEPP, including, in particular, those materials: (1) contrary to the Law, (2) that infringe third party rights, (3) that denigrate the products of the IEPP or its competitors, (4) sexual or violent, (5) that promote any type of racial, sexual, religious, age or sexual orientation discrimination, (6) or any other content that at the free discretion of the IEPP is not compatible with the rights, image or interests of the IEPP.

In short, the user is solely responsible for the use made of the services, content and links included on this website.