Expert in Mindfulness,
Positive Psychology and
Emotional Management

The only University Degree that turns you into an Expert
in the combination of the 3 disciplines that increase well-being

Join now and get one of our scholarships. A shift in your professional focus to discover cutting-edge techniques for emotional management.

Expert Degree in Mindfulness, Positive Psychology and Emotional Management

This is a degree from La Salle University Center with which you’ll become an expert professional, with university validation and scientific endorsement, in one of the most demanded areas nowadays: producing real changes in lifestyle, based on harmony, balance and emotional management.

75,5 ECTS

Integral certification with innovative methodology and scientific endorsement

Along these months you will become an Expert in Mindfulness and Emotional Management from the Positive Psychology approach, to increase well-being from the beginning.

You’ll have specific tools, explained step by step, and suitable to different ages and work environments:


Prevent and
work stress

You’ll discover techniques to manage negative emotions, reduce stress and address fears in complex and crisis situations.

Manage emotions
and promote harmony

You’ll have tools that allow you to remain calm and promote well-being in the midst of conflict situations, tools such as awareness and the generation of positive emotions.

Work from a
multidisciplinary approach

You’ll have specific tools to apply in different contexts and ages. These tools will allow the benefits of Mindfulness to be transferred to different professional environments: sports, educational, clinical and business.


  • Block I: Mindfulness and Emotional Management
  • Introduction to Mindfulness and Emotional Management
  • Attitudes and first steps
  • Emotional strengths
  • Be aware of automatic reactions
  • Practice of MDF through Appreciation of Beauty, Curiosity and Vitality
  • Practice of MDF through Acceptance, Harmony, Universalism and Gratitude
  • Benefits of awareness
  • Shifting focus: boosting positive emotions
  • Conscious relationships I and II
  • Awareness for Stress Management I and II


  • Block II: Mindfulness and Positive Psychology.
    Applications to work contexts
  • Positive Psychology, FORTE strengths and their relationship with Mindfulness.
  • FORTE Assessment Test and Strengths Profiles
  • Mindfulness tools for School: Childhood, adolescence and adulthood
  • Mindfulness tools for the Family: Childhood, adolescence and parents
  • Mindfulness tools for the Company
  • Mindfulness tools for Sports: Childhood, adolescence and adulthood
  • Mindfulness tools for the Health field: Childhood, adolescence and adulthood

Professional’s opinions. Mindfulness students opinions

Sara Cusato

The program exceeded all my expectations. Not only has it helped me on a personal level, but now I have more tools to help my patients and students with emotional management. I recommend it 100%.

Alessia Bertocchini

Thanks to the practical part and the support of the instructor, I have obtained tools to manage stress that I can apply in a professional and personal sphere.

Barbara Pasqua

I was impressed by discovering the Test and knowing the strengths. The transparency, the attention and the experienced instructors make me recommend this course 100%.

Discover the revolution from within

Request information, with no strings attached, of the cutting-edge training that is changing lifestyles. You’ll have free access to one of the classes of this program..

This program
is for you?

YES If you are a psychologist, teacher or professional and you have to face situations where your students, patients or clients overflow with their emotions; or in which the daily stress and anxiety don’t allow them to enjoy positive emotions and they feel that their head is going a thousand per hour.

YES If anxiety or fear are very frequent in your cases. If, in times of crisis, it’s difficult for them to distance themselves from circumstances, gain perspective and make decisions.

YES If faced with a situation of change, the people we accompany in their improvement processes (therapy, training, coaching, etc.) need tools that help them effectively manage their emotions and focus their attention to work on their well-being.

YES If you’re looking for specific tools that allow you to professionally apply mindfulness in educational, family, social, sports, organizational and health contexts.

NO But, if you are not a professional, we recommend our special mindfulness course for you.



It is not a competence-based but a strengths-based approach.

It is not a place to learn by downloading PDFs.

It doesn’t make you a Mindfulness instructor.

It is not based on intuition but on the scientific method.

It is not an approach focused on the symptom but on the person’s psychological resources.

Real case

Juanjo wants
to help

Juanjo is 44 years old. Throughout his life he worked for the business world. When he was very young, he moved to Madrid and ended up working in two of the most important companies in the capital, which allowed him to gain a lot of experience and quickly rise to positions of more responsibilities.

As he tells us, for many people this would have been an ideal situation: achieving goals that are not usually achieved in the short term. And it was ideal for him too, at the time. But the circumstances that surrounded him made him consider a change in his life.

Not only did he face a very tough personal situation, but all this happened at a time of social and economic crisis. At times like this, in which the future is uncertain in terms of the working sphere, Juanjo knew that he had to make a decision.

’Your future doesn't depend on the decisions you’re going to make later. Your future is based on the decisions you make today’. That was the phrase that made me realize that although the decisions I had to make were hard and not easy at all, they would be the ones that would give the stability I needed to finally be able to help other people to also have it".

"I had to REINVENT, train and specialize myself."

One of the keys that Juanjo told me that helped him the most was when he began to practice and was able to learn to remain calm in complicated situations. From that calm, he learned to distance himself and not get carried away by fear or anxiety about what was happening, but was able to gain perspective in order to focus on his goals and objectives.

It also helped him a lot to know the positive emotions and put them into action both in his work and personal life, which he so badly needed.

After specializing in Mindfulness, he told me that the practice had not finished with the process. "These are tools and exercises that serve me in my day to day, not only in my work when I teach them to my clients, but also when the work accumulates, when more difficult times come, or when I simply want to disconnect and be able to rest and enjoy my time, I go to the meditations and listen to my emotions. Now when I apply it with other people I realize it's a knowledge that you internalize and it always accompanies you ".

Aroa Ruíz, Psychologist, Coach and Mindfulness Instructor

What makes
this Degree different?

The only University Expert that combines these three disciplines:

Mindfulness and full awareness

You’ll learn the meditation techniques to develop a new lifestyle based on emotional well-being.


You’ll discover how to handle complex situations in order to have emotional balance.

Positive Psychology

You’ll have the FORTE Test with which you’ll be able to detect strengths to personalize each case.

Specificity and Professionalization

The same meditation techniques do not work for a 7-year-old child as for an adult, nor for an athlete or for a student. You’ll have tools for each age and work environment that you can in each case, thus achieving better results.

New Attitude MINDFORTE

Place balanced strengths in the service of mindfulness. The only University Expert Degree that combines Mindfulness with balanced strengths and with which you can customize the techniques in any way.

You will
have access

to the most complete library of meditations

You’ll have a wide range of meditations that will provide you with scientific solidity and professional practicality.

These meditations were meticulously selected so that you have at your fingertips the most up-to-date and innovative practices that Mindfulness experts have created in recent years and that have offered the best results.

Conscious Learning Methodology

Teach a Mindfulness

Learn step by step how to prepare a Mindfulness and Emotional Management workshop.

You’ll have access to a gift module where you will find the keys to teach a practical workshop in a professional way. With the help of your tutor, Aroa, you’ll discover the tools, exercises, presentation and all the contents that professionals use to help people through these programs.

Soon we will start
a new Online Edition

Read the complete dossier that includes more extensive information on the Degree, dates, price and everything you need to go to the next level both personally and professionally.

We take care of your learning experience


A great team will be on the lookout, will support you closely in your learning path and will accompany you step by step in this revolution that is changing professionals.

Aroa Ruíz

Psychologist, member Nº M-23967 of the Official College of Psychology of Madrid (COPM) and Mindfulness Instructor

Abilitazione Nº 07-2706

This program is the result of an exhaustive compilation of the most innovative exercises, techniques and resources that have worked best for Aroa Ruiz in her professional career.

We have gathered all the knowledge that is changing the way in which professionals are able to generate a real change and a new lifestyle based on the management of emotions and tranquility. We have unified everything in the same space, so that you can enjoy this program in an intuitive and simple way.

  • Expert in Positive Psychology.
  • Mindfulness instructor.
  • Professor at 2 University Experts.
  • With more than 5,000 sessions of experience.
  • Mindfulness Coordinator (IEPP).
  • Master in Coaching and Emotional Intelligence from the University of Oviedo.

Rebeca Gómez

and specialist in Positive Education

Eva Herber

and Strengths Coach

Mauricio Sanguinetti

and Sports Coach

Dafne Cataluña

Academic Director
Founder of the IEPP

International Speaker

Kristin Neff

Phd Psychology
(University of Texas)

International Speaker

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Our Expert in Mindfulness, Positive Psychology and Emotional Management is a Degree from La Salle University Center, with a duration of 500 hours in a 100% online modality with live and recorded classes.

The program is focused on professionals who want to apply these techniques in educational, health, family, organizational and sports contexts, and in all age ranges (children, adolescents, adults). Our learning methodology is based on the living experience of very practical, 100% online cases with the help of our support team and your tutor.

Through video lessons, Aroa Ruiz, Rebeca Gómez, Eva Herber, Mauricio Sanguinetti and Dafne Cataluña will explain the most important theoretical contents step by step. You will also have audios with meditations that you can download and exercises with which to identify and enhance positive emotions and strengths. Every month there is a live class.

You’ll have access to a gift module where you’ll discover the keys to give a practical workshop in a professional way.

Adapted to your

At your own pace

It's a program that you can do intensively in 3 months or at your own pace in a year.

From home

You can access it from your PC, tablet or smartphone. You can always be connected.

Unlimited Access

You’ll be able to access the content even after you have finished your training. Open content for life.

It is a very up-to-date course that allows us to have many psychological tools for the emotional development of people in a psychotherapeutic bond. It allows personal growth from mental health. Thanks!!


Eligia Balbina Prado

My clients and patients return to restructure their priorities, which are now more harmonious for them, and the most beautiful thing is they are full of purpose. In these moments, having and being aware that we have tools for wellness is pure gold.


Rosa Cetina (Psychologist and Coach)

Where are we?

We are located in different offices in Spain. Our headquarters are in Madrid, but we also have branches in Italy and Colombia.

Office in Madrid

C/ Orense 10, piso 1, oficina 10,

28020, Madrid

+34 623 35 39 46

[email protected]

IEPP in the media